How Much Does It Cost To Register A Trademark in the UK?

How Much Does It Cost To Register A Trademark in the UK?

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Australia brags a huge flexible income gap and a substantial consumer market. It is a flawless test market for new company ideas because it has one of the splendid economies per capita in the world and is an intelligent adopter of new technologies. Hence, trademark registration in Australia for a business can turn to out to be very fruitful. This blog post will talk over the price of registering a trademark in Australia, including the preliminary application fee and any additional charges that might be incurred.

Being conscious of these costs can help you make sensible decisions and avoid horrible financial shocks, whether you’re a startup looking to protect your brand’s individuality or an instituted business looking to spread out your trademark portfolio. Let’s examine the features and determine what to predict when planning your trademark registration costs in Australia.

Trademarks Which Can Be Filed Under Trademark Registration In Australia


Protecting and boosting your brand begins with enrolling your logo as a trademark in the UK. It gives you a competitive edge in the market, strengthens brand recognition, and advances legal protection.


For many firms and organisations, registering a slogan as a trademark in the UK is necessary. It offers noteworthy benefits in terms of competitive advantage, brand recognition, and legal protection. It also improves your capability to manage your brand essentially, assert your rights, and preserve your unique brand message.


Copyright instantaneously shields original works of authorship, including books, films, software, music, and other media, as well as artistic innovations like paintings, drawings, and sculptures. Copyright in the United Kingdom is certainly granted upon establishing a tangible work, denying the necessity for registration.

How To Register A Trademark In UK?

Step-by-step guide to trademark registration in the UK:

Step 1: Look Up Trademarks Online

Ensure your intended trademark is not already used by comprehensively assessing before applying for one. For your ease, the Intellectual Property Office (IPO) extends a free web search engine to locate trademarks presently in use. By taking this action, you can stay out of problem lawfully.

Step 2: Select Your Trademark

Pick out the specific aspects, such as your company name, logo, or tagline, that you wish to trademark. Make certain these qualities are exceptional and unlikely to be flawed for already-registered trademarks. Analysing the uniqueness and originality of the trademark you have chosen is fundamental.

Step 3: Sort The Goods And Services You Offer

A trademark can be registered under numerous categories agreeing to distinctive types of goods or services. The IPO uses the Nice Classification system, which splits goods and services into 45 categories. Decide on the right class or classes for your trademark application to confirm complete brand safety.

Step 4: Get Your Application Ready

Gather all essential data and supporting materials for your trademark application. This consists of specifics about your business, an exact trademark illustration, and the appropriate classifications for your goods or services. The online application system for the IPO will guide you through the procedure in detail.

Step 5: Send In Your Application

Once completed, submit your application online at the IPO. The cost of the application depends on how many classes you take and if you choose additional services. When submitting, be ready to pay the applicable fees.

Step 6: Analysis And Publication

The IPO will inspect your application after submitting it to confirm it contents all legal conditions. Typically, this evaluation procedure takes a few weeks. Your application will be printed in the Trade Marks Journal for two months of complaint if it passes the examination. If third parties feel your trademark registration ruins their rights, they may challenge it at this stage.

Step 7: Accreditation & Verification

Your trademark will be registered, and a certificate of registration will be given to you if no conflicts are recorded within the publication period. Your trademark now has ten years of lawful protection which is renewable until further notice.

Why Is It Important To Register Trademark In the UK?

The following reasons make the registration of trademarks mandatory in the UK:

  • Legal Defence

You can acquire absolute rights to use the mark in connection with the products and services for which it is registered and legal protection by registering a trademark. This indicates that you can effectively stop others from using marks like yours to betray consumers or damage your company’s standing.

  • Brand Awareness

Having a registered trademark can benefit you with boosted reputation and brand recognition. It can also raise your business’s worth and facilitate the entry of new markets.

  • Competitive Advantage

Possessing a registered trademark could give you a commercial advantage. It allows you to set your goods and services separately from those of your competitors and create an exclusive brand identity.

UK Trademark Registration – Classification Of Requirements/Documents

The Intellectual Property Office (IPO) in the United Kingdom involves specialised documentation and information to determine a trademark.

Classification of Goods and Services

Specify which categories of products and services the trademark will apply to. A worldwide standard, the Nice Classification system, is used in the UK. There are 45 classes: 11 for services and 34 for items. It systematically explains the goods and services involved in each assigned category. The goods and services addressed in the classes are toys, athletic equipment, cosmetics, and medical supplies. Make sure your declarations are as certain as possible to avoid uncertainty.

Documents In Support (If Applicable)

Although it’s not desirable for the first registration, documentation showing how you use the trademark in business may be considered necessary if the application is doubtful or its legality is later questioned. Additionally, you might need to submit a power of attorney if you hire a trademark prosecutor to apply.

Exam And Reaction Sheets

You must draft and submit answers to any complaints included in the examination report that the IPO sends. Also, you can change your application if the IPO’s examination report calls for it.

Opposition Documents (If Applicable)

If third parties file disagreements within the publication period, you may be needed to react with facts and arguments to preserve your application.

How Much Does It Cost To Register A Trademark in the UK?

Standard Documentation Costs

As per the latest data, the price of registering a trademark in the United Kingdom is dependent on several factors, such as the amount of goods or services being registered and the type of application. The average expenses are broken down as follows:

Summary of Standard Costs

  • Online Application for 1 Class: £170
  • Additional Classes: £50 each
  • Paper Application for 1 Class: £200
  • Additional Classes: £50 each
  • Renewal Fees: £200 for 1 class, £50 for each additional class
  • Trademark Search (optional): £100 to £300
  • Legal/Professional Fees (if applicable): £300 to £1,000+

Comprehensive Package

In addition to the regular registration costs, a full trademark registration package in the UK frequently involves numerous services. These bring in trademark research, application preparation, filing, and, in some circumstances, opposition and renewal administration.

Summary of Comprehensive Package Costs

  • Pre-Application Search: £100 to £300
  • Application Preparation: Mostly included in the package
  • Online Application: £170 for 1 class, plus £50 for each extra class.
  • Paper Application: £200 for 1 class, plus £50 for each additional class.
  • Trademark monitoring and reporting: £100 to £200 yearly (varies by provider)
  • Managing Oppositions: £300 to £500+ depending on difficulty (sometimes involved in premium packages).
  • Legal Advice and Support: Often included in higher-tier packages.
  • Renewal Service: £200 for 1 class, plus £50 for each extra class, usually integrated in long-term packages.

Value Package

Speak with trademark service benefactors or ask for legal advice from a trademark lawyer to obtain the most precise pricing and make certain that the package suits your needs. They can provide a thorough analysis and support you in choosing the ideal package for your requirements. Hence, a value package for trademark registration in the UK usually ranges from £300 to £800, depending on the services involved and the number of classes.

Summary Of Value Package Costs:

  • Pre-Application Search: The cost is often contained in the package or between £100 and £150 if purchased separately.
  • Form Completion: Cost is typically included in the value package.
  • Filing Fees: Online application costs £170 for 1 class, plus £50 for each additional class.
  • Basic Legal Support: Often included in the value package or minimum additional cost.
  • No Opposition Handling: Handling of any oppositions or disputes that may arise is usually not included in value packages.
  • Renewal Service: Renewal services are generally not part of a value package, though they may be extended as an non-compulsory add-on.

Attorney Cost

The cost of appointing a trademark lawyer for registration in the UK differs depending on the complexity of the trademark application and the level of service stipulated. Trademark lawyers offer many services, from straightforward advice to extensive support.


  • Basic Attorney Services: £450 to £1,050
  • Thorough Attorney Services: £1,200 to £2,500+
  • Extra Costs: £100 to £1,500+

Trademark Search Cost

The price of a trademark search in the UK varies based on the company you pick, the depth and breadth of the search, and other considerations. The following is a typical summary of the costs associated with trademark searches:


  • Basic Search: £100 to £150
  • Thorough Search: £150 to £300
  • Professional Search Services: £200 to £500+

To Conclude

For successful brand protection and planning, it is fundamental to understand the price of UK trademark registration. Being aware of these expenditures allows you to make well-informed tactical decisions that side with your business’s conditions and guarantee that the registration of your trademark is both cost-conscious and victorious. By making this process valuable, you shield your brand and create the footing for future extension and accomplishment of your business.

The cost of registering a trademark in the United Kingdom differs centered on the services you opt and the complication of your application. Knowing these expenses allows you to make informed decisions and make the excellent trademark registration strategy. Purchasing the suitable services confirms that your business is protected and can thrive substantially!


What is the price in the UK For a trademark name?

The price of registering a trademark in the United Kingdom varies based on several factors, including the quantity of classes you select for registration. The application fee is £170 for the first class of products or services, plus an additional £50 for each further class. These fees cover the application process and the first examination. It’s also good to budget for the £100–£250 cost of conducting a comprehensive search before applying. There can be extra costs for a trademark attorney consultation.

Why Should You Trademark Your Name?

Trademarking your name provides essential legal protection and exclusive rights to your brand’s identity. Registering your trademark creates a distinct brand presence in the market and prevents others from using a similar name or logo. This helps to protect your brand’s reputation and ensures that customers can quickly recognise and relate your name to your products or services.

Can I Register My Trademark Internationally?

Yes, you can register your trademark abroad under the Madrid Protocol. The Protocol enables you to file a single application for numerous nations, simplifying the procedure and potentially reducing costs. However, it’s crucial to understand that each country has its own rules and expenses, and extra-legal guidance may be required.

Elena Morrison

Elena Morrison

Elena Morrison is a seasoned attorney with over 10 years of experience in the legal field. Specializing in intellectual property law, she has a proven track record of successfully representing clients in trademark and copyright matters. Elena's dedication to her clients, combined with her extensive knowledge and strategic approach, has made her a respected figure in the industry.