How Much Does It Cost To Trademark A Word?

How Much Does It Cost To Trademark A Word?

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Trademarking a word isn’t just about legal protection—it’s about claiming your rightful place in the spotlight of the marketplace. When you trademark a word, you’re not just registering a name; you’re creating a beacon that draws attention to your brand, distinguishing it from the sea of competitors. It’s like turning on a spotlight in a dimly lit room—suddenly, all eyes are on you. Your trademarked word becomes your brand’s signature, a symbol of quality, reliability, and uniqueness that sets you apart from the crowd.

Here’s to learning how much does it cost to trademark a word.

Why To Trademark A Word?

You can set your products and services apart from the competition and build brand awareness by trademarking a word. For example, consider the word “Amazon. The giant of e-commerce has trademarked this word to guarantee that customers will always think of their website when they use it to shop online.

Trademarking a word ensures that rivals cannot advertise their goods and services using a confusingly similar word, which in turn avoids consumer confusion. Think of a business called “SwiftDelivery” that offers courier services and wants to trademark the word “Swift” to identify itself. This eliminates the possibility of consumer confusion by stopping competing delivery services from using the same term. To prevent others from using your trademarked word without your permission, you can register it as a trademark and then sue them in court. A trademark owner can pursue legal action to halt infringement and seek damages for any harm done to their brand, for instance, if a competitor starts using the word “Swift” to market their delivery services.

When a company trademarks a word, it opens the door to new product categories and markets. The owner of a trademark has the sole authority to use the trademarked word in relation to certain goods and services. As an example, a clothing brand that owns the trademark for the term “Luxury” can use that asset to sell accessories and perfumes.
Having a trademarked word makes your brand more valuable and easier to sell. Your brand’s market value will rise as a result of investors’ and consumers’ perception of trademarked words as valuable assets with legal protections. As an example, the term “Uber” has grown to mean ride-sharing services, which has increased the value of the company’s trademark

Why To Use A Legal Website To Trademark A Word?

If you or your company are looking to safeguard your intellectual property, there are a number of advantages to using a legal website to trademark a word. To begin, the trademark registration process can be greatly simplified with the help of legal websites, which offer user-friendly and easily accessible platforms. Making sense of trademark law can be a daunting task, but these platforms simplify the process with user-friendly interfaces and detailed instructions.

Users can also find helpful tools and resources on legal websites that can be utilized to prepare and submit trademark applications. Trademark search databases, example application forms, and instructional materials that teach users the ins and outs of trademark registration may all be part of these resources. Using these tools, companies and individuals can check that their trademark applications are complete and up to code.

In addition, when compared to more conventional approaches, legal websites frequently provide more economical trademark registration options. By eliminating the need for time-consuming and expensive legal consultations and streamlining the trademark registration process with automated tools, these platforms help keep costs down. Trademark registration is now within reach of more people and companies thanks to its reduced cost, allowing them to safeguard their intellectual property without going into debt.

Using a legal website to trademark a word also provides the added benefit of being easy and flexible. Starting with a preliminary trademark search and continuing through application submission and status tracking, users can do it all online. As a result, consumers will not have to waste time and money traveling to meet with lawyers for consultations or appointments.
Also, when registering a trademark, users can usually count on continuing support and assistance from legal websites. There is a dedicated customer support team standing by 24/7 to respond to inquiries, resolve issues, and offer advice. Users can rest assured that they will receive the help they need at every step of the trademark registration process thanks to this personalized support.

Steps for Trademarking a Word:

  1. Decide How to File: There are a few different ways to file for a trademark: either directly with the USPTO, through a legal website, or with the help of a trademark attorney. Weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each choice carefully before moving forward.
  2. Review the Current Fee Schedule: Take a look at the USPTO’s current fee schedule before you send in your trademark application. The amount to pay might change based on things like the trademark registration’s scope (how many goods or services it covers) and the filing method selected.
  3. Lookup Competing Trademarks: Verify that no identical trademark is already in use by doing a comprehensive search in the USPTO Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS). To help you avoid trademark conflicts, this database includes all registered trademarks.
  4. Apply to Trademark the Word:Use the USPTO’s TEAS (Trademark Electronic Application System) website to submit your trademark paperwork. Be sure to include all the required materials with your application, including a statement of use, a list of existing trademarks, a trademark specimen, a trademark drawing, and the filing fee. To speed up the application process, be as specific as possible with your information.
  5. Use Your Trademark:Once you’ve submitted your trademark application, you can start using the TM or SM symbols to show that you own the trademark or service mark. You can’t use the ® symbol, though, until the USPTO officially registers your trademark. You can let people know that your trademark is registered by using the ® symbol, and you’ll have full legal protections once your trademark is registered.


A competent trademark attorney can be an invaluable resource when you need help registering your trademark. For help with trademark registration, use a platform like UpCounsel to connect with top-tier attorneys that focus in intellectual property law. To increase the likelihood of a successful trademark registration, these seasoned attorneys can assist you in preparing your trademark application in an accurate and efficient manner.

How Much Does It Cost To Trademark A Word?

The cost of trademarking a word depends on the filing option chosen through the USPTO’s Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS).

  1. TEAS Plus: The basic filing fee for TEAS Plus is $225 per class of goods or services. If you need to add an additional class later, there’s an upfront fee of $125. This option provides the ability to receive further communications via email.
  2. TEAS Reduced Fee: With TEAS Reduced Fee, the basic filing fee is $275 per class of goods or services. Similar to TEAS Plus, you can pay an additional fee of $125 per class later. This option also allows for further communications via email.
  3. TEAS Regular: The filing fee for TEAS Regular is $400 per class of goods or services. In addition to the basic filing fee, there may be fees for adding classes of goods and services. TEAS Regular provides the option to submit further application materials outside of the TEAS system.

It’s important to review the current fee schedule provided by the USPTO before submitting your application, as fees may vary and additional costs may apply for specific services or requirements.

What Are The Monitoring And Renewal Costs For Trademarking A Word?

The fees associated with word trademark monitoring and renewal can change based on a number of variables, such as the services offered by the service provider, the number of features and services included in the package, and the jurisdiction in which the trademark is registered.

Monitoring Costs: Most monitoring services will keep an eye on trademark databases and other resources to see if anyone is trying to infringe on your trademark or use your word without your permission. Monthly, quarterly, or yearly monitoring intervals, coverage areas (local, national, or international), and report granularity are all factors that can affect the final price tag for monitoring services. There are monitoring services that provide cheaper, more basic packages, and then there are those that offer more expensive, more comprehensive solutions with advanced features and analysis capabilities.

Renewal Costs: In order to keep a trademark registration current and enforceable, it is necessary to renew it periodically. How long the initial registration term is and the jurisdiction in question determine the renewal period and related expenses. For instance, in the US, the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) receives the renewal fees for trademark registrations every ten years. Factors like the number of goods or services classes covered by the trademark registration can also affect the renewal fees.

Talk to a trustworthy trademark attorney or monitoring service provider to find out how much it will cost to monitor and renew a word trademark.

We Are Here For You!

We’re here to assist you in trademarking your word and protecting your brand. Don’t hesitate to reach out today and let us help safeguard your intellectual property. Contact us now, and let’s ensure your brand receives the protection it deserves.